Thursday, November 23, 2017

Being Thankful--Modern U.S. Pilgrims Share Thoughts

Turkish immigrant Dylan Akdeniz (r.) with husband Andre-Pierre du Pleases celebrates his first Thanksgiving as an American citizen.   (Susan Watts/New York Daily News)

This Thanksgiving, the New York Daily News reports about a several new pilgrims who are recent U.S. citizens and what that means to them. One of those is Dylan Akdeniz, 32, from Turkey.
Akdeniz has a whole lot to be thankful for, starting with his freedom.
The 32-year-old flight attendant no longer has to worry about facing possible persecution in his homeland for being gay.
“One of the reasons I moved to the United States is that people have more freedom to be themselves,” said Akdeniz, who hails from the southern coastal city of Adana. “Just being yourself and being gay. In my country, it’s not illegal, but it’s not accepted.”
See full story here.

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