Monday, December 18, 2017

Another Bakery Case Testing LGBT Rights Heads to the Supreme Court, But This Time In Britain

Another business is testing the concept that they can refuse to serve the public if they disagree with the request based on strongly held religious beliefs. Is it religious freedom or blatant discrimination? Why does it always seem to be bakers causing all this trouble? Who knew bakers were such a religious lot?

The New York Times reports:

In a few months, Britain’s Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether a bakery in Belfast, Northern Ireland, could refuse to make a cake celebrating same-sex marriage. The case is a trans-Atlantic echo of the one heard two weeks ago by the United States Supreme Court.

The case from Belfast concerns Gareth Lee, a gay rights activist in Northern Ireland, where same-sex marriage is not legal. In 2014, he sought to buy a cake from Ashers Baking Company. 

Mr. Lee’s graphic showed Bert and Ernie, the Sesame Street characters; a logo for his group, QueerSpace; and the statement “Support Gay Marriage.” The bakery accepted his order and his money, and it gave him a receipt.

A weekend passed. Karen McArthur, one of the bakery’s directors, called Mr. Lee to turn down his order. Making the cake he had requested, she said, would violate her Christian faith.

See full story here.

1 comment:

Raybeard said...

In all cases like this one can't help observing that the owners of such firms cite their Christian 'faith' for refusing service. Yet there are people of no less equivalent 'faith' who would have no objection at all to fulfilling the request. It follows, therefore, that their refusal is a matter of their own choice, a 'luxury' which is denied to our being gay - even though, we being given a choice, I suspect and hope that the vast majority of us, at least in our more progressive societies with less social pressure to be otherwise, would, in our hearts, opt for being as we are!
And yes, why bakers, indeed! Let this discrimination stand, whether in the U.S.A. or U.K., and it gives carte blanche for ALL firms to discriminate, and not just against gays but to anyone whom they deem 'offends' their consciences - oh, and I suppose they must demonstrate that they are religious? It's only non-believers who can't discriminate? What a legal minefield it'll turn into!