Saturday, December 16, 2017

Bermuda Tourism Board Concerned About Likely Boycotts After Same-Sex Marriage Re-Ban

Bermuda's Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in May, but this week the country's Senate voted on a bill to replace marriage with domestic partnerships. It would make Bermuda the first country ever to take away the legal right of same-sex marriage after getting it. 

Towleroad reports:

Bermuda Governor John Rankin is expected to sign a bill to re-ban gay marriage, passed by its legislature this week, according to Premier David Burt.

Seeing boycotts and protest on the horizon, Bermuda’s Tourism Authority issued a statement before the vote.

“Since last Friday’s vote, we have seen ample evidence of negative international headlines and growing social-media hostility towards Bermuda that we feel compelled to express our concern about what the negative consequences could be for tourism if the Domestic Partnership Bill passes the Senate this week. We believe the Bill poses an unnecessary threat to the success of our tourism industry.
“The circumstance in Bermuda is different — and troubling — in one important way: same-sex marriage is already the law of our island and to roll that back for what will be seen as a less equal union  will cause us serious reputational damage. We are convinced it will result in lost tourism business for Bermuda.”
 See full story here.

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