Friday, December 22, 2017

Former Gambian President Sanctioned Under 2016 Human Rights Law

Former Gambian PresidentYahya Jammeh

The Washington Blade reports:

The U.S. on Thursday announced it has sanctioned former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh under a 2016 human rights law.

A press release from the Treasury Department notes the Trump administration has used the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act that former President Obama signed in 2016 to freeze the assets of Jammeh and a dozen other “serious human rights abusers and corrupt actors.”

A report that Human Rights Watch released in 2015 notes police and officials with Gambia’s National Intelligence Agency “promptly rounded up” dozens of people “on suspicion of their sexual orientation” after Jammeh signed a law that sought to impose a life sentence upon anyone found guilty of “aggravated homosexuality.”

See full story here.

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