Thursday, December 07, 2017

Gay Man Denied Marriage License by Kim Davis Challenges Her for Clerk Seat

Kim Davis looks on as David Ermold applies to run for her Clerk seat. // Adam Beam/AP/Shutterstock
People magazine reports:

A gay man whose attempt to obtain a same-sex marriage license was turned down by Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who gained widespread attention for her stance, is now running to unseat her — and tells People he is committed to “bringing people together.”

David Ermold, 43, of Morehead, Kentucky, wants to take over the job from Davis, the controversial Rowan County clerk who in 2015 spent 5 nights in jail rather than grant licenses to same-same couples, a right that had been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in a groundbreaking ruling earlier that year.

Davis, who has been married four times and had two children out of wedlock, is an Apostolic Christian who cited religious reasons as her rationale for refusing to issue the documents.

See full story here.


Bob said...

I love this story and I hope he mops the floor with her. Maybe that'll make her hair look, at least, presentable.

Dime With A Halo said...

When is the primary election day between Kim Davis and David Ermold?