Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Heavens to Mergatroid! Snagglepuss Is Gay!

Image: DC Entertainment
Mashable reports:

After years of speculation, it's finally been confirmed: The classic and beloved cartoon star Snagglepuss is officially gay.

This may come as a shock to some, if they haven't really looked into the life of the big, pink mountain lion who pals around with Huckleberry Hound & Co., but those in his inner circle have known for a very long time.

Mark Russell, who is writing a new DC comic book series based on Snagglepuss's life — Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles is available January 3 — delivers a pretty clear picture of what's going on here. "Lila Lion is his beard, and he does have a boyfriend in his private life."

See full story here.

Below is a clip from the old Snaglepuss cartoon.

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