Friday, December 15, 2017

Study Finds Gay Relationships Can Be Better than Hetero

The University of Queensland (Australia) News reports:

Hot on the heels of the [Australian] same-sex marriage bill, new research shows that gay and lesbian couples tend to have higher-quality relationships than their heterosexual counterparts.

Professor Janeen Baxter, Director of the Life Course Centre (LCC) led by The University of Queensland, said the quality of intimate relationships of gay and lesbian people was high, if not higher than the quality of heterosexual couples’ relationships.

“Same-sex couples have been the subject of intense media and political debate in recent years, primarily in relation to formal rights to marry and raise children,” Professor Baxter says.

“Our results provide robust evidence to combat deep-rooted and erroneous social perceptions of same-sex relationships being conflictual, unhappy, and dysfunctional.

See full story here.

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