Sunday, December 10, 2017

Tennessee's First LGBT Historical Marker Honors Gay Rights Pioneer Penny Campbell

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry speaking at the dedication ceremony honoring Penny Campbell.

Out and About Nashville reports:

A dedication ceremony was held in East Nashville for the first publicly sanctioned historical marker in the state of Tennessee that commemorates the LGBT movement, honoring the work of Penny Campbell. The marker is placed on the 1600 block of McEwen Avenue at the location of Campbell's former residence. She passed away in 2014.

A surprise attendee, Nashville Mayor Megan Barry spoke at the event. "[Penny] was one of the most influential and effective LGBT activists that Nashville has ever seen," she told the attendees gathered for the ceremony. "She said, 'it shouldn't matter who you love and you shouldn't have to hide that love,' and she took that all the way to the Tennessee Supreme Court with our friend Abby Rubenfeld."

Represented by Nashville attorney Rubenfeld, Penny Campbell was the lead plaintiff in the successful Constitutional challenge here in Tennessee that ultimately decriminalized gay sex back in 1996.

"We know of Nashville today as a warm and welcoming place because of people like Penny," Mayor Barry added.

See full story here and watch the moving video of the ceremony below.

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