Wednesday, December 13, 2017

U.K. Fans More Accepting than U.S. Fans of Out LGBT Soccer Players

Forbes reports:

A poll of 50,000 soccer fans on LGBT inclusion and homophobic abuse in soccer, the largest ever poll of its type, found that just 63% of American soccer fans would be comfortable if a player in the national team came out as gay or bisexual.

The poll was conducted by LGBT rights charity Stonewall and live score app Forza Football. Its results shatter many media perceptions about U.S. soccer.

Soccer fans in the U.S. are largely seen as progressive, whereas in the U.K., British soccer fans are often portrayed as Neanderthal thugs. However, according to this latest survey, 80% of almost 4,000 British soccer fans, but only 63% of 7,732 American fans, would be comfortable with a national team player coming out as gay.

See full story here.

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