Thursday, December 07, 2017

YES It's Official! Australia Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!

Fortune reports:

Australia will become the 26th country in the world to allow same-sex marriages, after its parliament overwhelmingly backed the move.

The change, which will formally hit the statutes on Saturday, comes after Australians voted in a voluntary postal survey to introduce marriage equality, with 61.6% of voters agreeing to let people of the same sex marry.

The first same-sex marriages will be able to take place in January, as couples in Australia must give 28 days’ notice of their impending nuptials.

Thursday’s vote [Dec. 7, 2017] in the Federal Parliament was a landslide, with all but four members of parliament supporting the change or abstaining. Abstainers included former prime minister Tony Abbott, whose government had promised to let the country decide the issue.

See full story here.

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