Saturday, April 07, 2018

Anchorage, Alaska Votes 'No' On Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill

Lillian Lennon, 19, and fellow No on Prop. 1 advocate,
Col, 18, celebrate a historic win in Anchorage.
Courtesy Of Fair Anchorage
NBC News reports:

Nearly 53 percent of voters in Anchorage, Alaska cast their ballots in opposition to a proposition that would have required transgender people to use public facilities that match the sex on their birth certificates.

The historic April 3 election, conducted primarily through mail-in-ballots, was the first time U.S. citizens directly voted on a so-called transgender “bathroom bill.”

“Anchorage voters refused to succumb to hate and bigotry by rejecting this discriminatory, anti-transgender ballot measure. Community leaders, businesses, faith leaders, and public officials all spoke out in support of equality,” Chad Griffin, president of national LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement sent to NBC News.

The unofficial results, which will be certified on April 17, came as a relief to Anchorage transgender activist Lillian Lennon.

“If Proposition 1 were to pass, I would fear that I could be blocked from using the restroom that I identify with,” Lennon, 19, told NBC News. “I would be forced to go into a men’s restroom where I wouldn’t feel safe or protected, and I definitely don’t think that anyone in that restroom would feel particularly comfortable with me there either.”

See full story here.

1 comment:

Raybeard said...

So suck on THAT, Mrs Palin - together with the rest of your dysfunctional family!