Saturday, April 28, 2018

Out Gay Man Confirmed as U.S. Ambassador to Germany

NBC News reports:

The Senate confirmed Richard Grenell, a gay Republican, as the U.S. ambassador to Germany on Thursday, filling the high-profile diplomatic position just in time for a White House visit this week by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Grenell, who was confirmed by a vote of 56-42, was the first openly gay ambassador nominated by President Donald Trump.

Gregory T. Angelo, president of LGBTQ conservative group Log Cabin Republicans, called Grenell's confirmation "historic."

“He has now officially become the highest ranking openly gay official ever in a Republican administration," Angelo said in a statement sent to NBC News. "Despite the interminable delays of Democrats hell-bent on standing on the wrong side of history, today the United States Senate confirmed a gay nominee not ‘in spite of’ Republicans, or ‘with Republican support,’ but because of Republican support.”

See full story here.

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