Wednesday, June 20, 2018

HRC Commemorates World Refugee Day with LGBTQ Ethiopian Asylum Seeker

From the Human Rights Campaign Web site:

Today, HRC commemorated World Refugee Day 2018 by releasing a powerful new video featuring Robel Hailu — a gay Ethiopian asylum seeker who had to flee his home country simply because he publicly discussed his sexual orientation.

“On World Refugee Day — and every day — the Human Rights Campaign stands in solidarity with refugees and asylum seekers, many of whom are LGBTQ,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “As the Trump-Pence administration turns away people fleeing barbaric persecution and unconscionably rips away children from their immigrant parents at the border, Americans must stand united in sending a powerful message that their cruel actions do not represent our values. We are a proud nation of immigrants, and refugees should be welcome here.”

HRC’s powerful new video features Robel Hailu, one of HRC’s 2018 Global Innovators and the co-founder and director of Ethiopian LGBTI — an organization that works to support and advocate for the LGBTQ community in a country where same-sex relationships are criminalized. Hailu participated in Mr. Gay World 2012, and became one of the first gay Ethiopian men to openly talk about his sexual orientation in public. In December 2017, he was forced to seek asylum in the United States, where he continues to advocate for the LGBTQ community back home in Ethiopia.

See full story here.

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