Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Randy Rainbow's Skewers Homophobic Child Molester Roy Moore

Today is the special Alabama Senate election to fill the vacant seat left by Jeff Sessions. The race is between Democrat Doug Jones and Republican homophobic child molester Roy Moore. 

The good people of Alabama have a clear choice, but YouTube legend Randy Rainbow helps to clarify this choice even further like nobody else. Rainbow is a national treasure!

He is a comedian, YouTube actor, singer and writer based in New York City. Rainbow—his real name—is most notable for writing, editing, and starring in a series of humorous YouTube viral videos. In his earlier work, he stages fake phone conversations with famous people by editing real audio clips of those celebrities. 

Rainbow gained audience during the 2016 American Presidential campaign, with a series of spoof interviews and musical parodies skewering the election process, the goofs and scandals, and the candidates - especially Donald Trump and his cadre. Trump has continued to provide satirical fodder for Rainbow. 

To see more of his genius, visit his Website at www.RandyRainbow.com.

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